Monday, November 3, 2008

The Halloween Report 2008

Katie's Elven Princess Costume 2008

Here is the Sweet Girl's costume this year. She went as an Elven Princess (ala Lord of the Rings), and wore a beautiful handmade cloak one of my neighbors helped me make a few years ago. We sing her praises every time we see it in the closet! (Jean, you're the best!!!)  :-)

Isn't she pretty? I took lots of pictures of her that night. She started calling me paparazzi (really, shouldn't that have been MAMA-razzi?) Check her out, fleeing from the camera like a Hollywood star....LOL


She had lots of fun trick or treating with friends in our neighborhood, and ended the evening watching an old Audrey Hepburn movie, "Wait Until Dark"  with all her friends -- if you've seen it, you know that movie is perfect for a Halloween night! (shiver) DH and I manned the front door, giving out candy and ooh-ing and aah-ing at all the great costumes.

He and I had 1 point pumpkin cookies on standby to help with all the candy temptation -- we did really well until someone insisted on sharing their homemade donuts with us. Homemade donuts, people! I was done for. ;-)

All in all, lots of fun and we made some *sweet* memories.

What was your favorite thing about Halloween this year?


Elena said...

Your daughter looks so pretty. She could totally be an elf from Lord of the Rings with that pretty blonde hair. And you deserved a homemade donut I say. It was Halloween after all! :)

Rebekah said...

My favorite thing about Halloween was the "fun factor". It was fun to be with the neighbors. Fun to see the kids so excited about a special day. Fun to have some time with the hubby. It makes me want to create more Celebration Days.

Robyn said...

Oh, she's so grown up now! She was four when we met! Tell her hi from me...she probably doesn't remember me!

Debbie said...

Her costume was so beautiful! I am glad it was a fun night for everyone!! Love ya!

Mrs. B said...

Your daughter is beautiful! I love her costume, very pretty. Mama-razzi, LOL! I think that's what I must be too. Your Halloween sounds like lots of fun. I wouldn't be able to resist homemade doughnuts either. Yum!